Over the last few months shipping container seller scams have been rife with scammers taking advantage of increasing market prices and the COVID restrictions that has moved many interactions to online only.
Premier Box is increasingly hearing reports of people making payments and not being able to recover them after exposing the business they have paid as being a scam. Most experiences involve lodging online enquiries, either through Facebook adverts or Google adverts and receiving emails similar to below.
Note: use of gmail email, ABN not matching business name, website a .com and not Australian nor matching the claimed business name. No full address.

Known fraudulent names / business names in use
- www.montoshippingcontainerau.com
- www.anderscontainers.com
- www.alshippingcontainersau.com
- www.containersalesau.com
- www.whitehorsetowingltd.com
- www.container-discounts.com
- www.titanshippingcontainers.com
- www.container-pty.com
- www.wtglobe.com
- www.customshippingcontainersau.com
Below are some tips you should take to reduce the risk of being scammed.
Verify the business you are dealing with. Request a copy of current business registration certificate, liability insurance, bank account proof of ownership. Look for proof of full address, a publicly listed number, Google location information, Facebook business profiles, third part site mentions, reviews, and ensure they have a .com.au website address.
Call the publicised number. Check for an Australian published contact number. When speaking, do they sound legitimate? Ask lots of questions about locations and containers.
Check email and website addresses. Legitimate businesses will not use a Gmail or Hotmail email account. Their email and website will use their business name and .com.au.
Payments. Legitimate businesses will not accept bitcoin as payment. Consider paying by a method you can challenge/reverse (check with your bank for advice).
I am not sure if I am dealing with a scammer
Think you may be dealing with a scam shipping container seller business? We’d be happy to provide you some advice, and a real price on a real container. Call us on (07) 3888 3751.